陶章 博士
1. 国家社科基金, “一带一路”倡议下跨国供应链整合研究, 2019-01至2022-12,在研, 参与
2. 广西哲社规划课题,广西自贸区可持续国际竞争力研究,2020-07至2023-12,在研,主持
1. 陶章;乔森;“一带一路”国际贸易的影响因素研究——基于贸易协定与物流绩效的实证检验,社会科学,2020(01):63-71. (CSSCI)
2. 陶章;基于物联网的供应链管理模式创新优化研究,技术经济与管理研究, 2018(05):46-50 (中文核心)
3. Wong, Jose Weng Chou, Ivan Ka Wai Lai, and Zhang Tao*. "Memorable ethnic minority tourism experiences in China: a case study of Guangxi Zhuang Zu." Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 17.4 (2019): 508-525. 通讯作者,(SSCI)
4. Wong, Jose Weng Chou, Ivan Ka Wai Lai, and Zhang Tao*. "Sharing memorable tourism experiences on mobile social media and how it influences further travel decisions." Current Issues in Tourism (2019): 1-15. 通讯作者,(SSCI)
5. Tao Z, Li X, Liu X, et al. Analysis of Signal Game for Supply Chain Finance (SCF) of MSEs and Banks Based on Incomplete Information Model[J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2019. (SCI)
6. Yu, X., Liao, X., Li, W., Liu, X., & Tao, Zhang*.. Logistics automation control based on machine learning algorithm. Cluster Computing, (2018): 22(6), 14003-14011.通讯作者,(SCI)
7. Tao, Zhang*; Xu, Xin-long; Tao, Xiangnan; A proposed method to analyze various impacts on the adoption of different sources of primary Energy,Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy,2017.09. (SCI)